
These works were created during a special period, when the whole world was shrouded in confusion, unknown, uneasiness, and fear, and each individual seemed so insignificant. Therefore, looking for directions, looking for exits, and looking for the way to tomorrow is like animals or birds that are running into walls.

在一段特殊的时期创作了这些作品,当整个世界被迷茫、未知、不安、惶恐笼罩,每个个体,都显得那么微不足道。于是,寻找方向、寻找出口、寻找通往明天的道路,像极了四处碰墙莽撞的动物或是鸟类。 画面上,处处是箭头,是指向,却不能指明方向。下沉或者坠落,留给上帝审判。木或者炭,最终和肉身一起,归于大地,化为污泥 。